A Trivial Comedy for serious people archives

So my life's mission is to assemble a Tupelo mix - songs about Tupelo, Elvis songs, songs that mention Tupelo. Sarah said "Well, you'll be done with that by Thursday and then we'll just have to put you down."

What a shame.

In the process, I discovered the Grifters, who're a fantastic band. Tupelo Moan is my new favorite song.

2003-12-06, tupelo

All my websites ever have all looked alike, and I kinda dig it. So bored the other day. And so not willing to do homework.

2003-12-04, website

My friends are a bad influence. "Let's go to Denny's and eat six courses!" "Let's dye your hair MORE blonde for my amusement!" "Let's eat six pomegranates each!" "Let's have a wasabi eating contest!" "There's no such thing as drinking too much hazelnut liquer." Perhaps the voices of reason they are not.

2003-12-02, one by one

Today I dyed my hair. Today I got proposed to (via AIM! I always thought it would involve a big fat Tiffany diamond and be in person but helas!). Today I talked long and fast about Germany to my mom. Today I am tired.

2003-12-01, so past my bedtime

I really missed my parents on thanksgiving.

Otherwise, today I ate a lot of food at Denny's (dumb) and read an awful lot about German unification. My life: German unification and pancakes. Pretty much.

I am so full of pancakes. That's a little unpleasant feeling.

2003-11-29, it was a pancake eating contest

I like it when people can show me who I am.

2003-11-24, but i need some time off to tell myself what i am

Headache, oh. headache. Of the splitting sort. I wish I could show you how pretty my room is right now. The sun's so bright. It's so cozy.

2003-11-24, me, too

Am I really that oblique?

My Week by Margaret

Saturday at 7am I said "There's a train in half an hour." He said "Bye." Called up Sarah, shrieked and screamed. Went to senior cocktails, wore a pretty dress, kissed some guy. "I talked to you because you were gorgeous and you were wearing a dress." "Um, okay. I have to... go... now..."

Sunday I slept all day, because Saturday we were in the city until 3 am. Slept away my sadness.

Monday I went to work, chipper and early. Saw a fantastic DeMille film at the screening, fell in love with Lila Lee, fell in loathing with the Admirable (my ass!) Crichton.

Tuesday I went to all my classes, which is probably a first for the semester.

Wednesday I cut back my hours on work, handed in a shitty reader response, went to my German class and felt dumb. Dumb dumb dumb. I got stuck in the pouring rain.

Thursday I went to all my classes, which is probably a first for the semester. Drove errands for my girlfriends, ate too much at the holiday dinner, worked out.

Friday I went to see my counselor, who I love deeply. She thinks I'm pretty cool and smart, which is nice. That evening, watched Follow That Bird, listened to music, had good pizza.

Saturday I watched Metropolis, did a lot of research, feel like I'm creating theses instead of ungainly 3rd grade style reports. Saturday I drink beer, have a nice time, enjoy myself, and suffer only one tearful moment.

I'm so impatient. This is terrible.

2003-11-23, There you go

The other day at the farmer's market, we came across a flower that looked like a space pod. One of my friends thought it was weird and freakish, and the other wished that a man would show up at her door with it. ("Though" she said, "I could just as well show up at his door with that flower." She had a point.) I sided with the latter, and wanted that flower so much.

More than that, I wanted to be with someone who knows that I would want that flower. I want someone who will know me so well that they understand my aesthetic.

I really shouldn't be so impatient, but that is what I want someday.

2003-11-22, love for me

"I want to marry Frank."

"Don't you worry that he has a lot of time on his hands? He has animal noises on his website."

"You have a point."

"Between his animal noises and your stuffed animals, you won't be able to afford any 18th century farmhouses."

"You have another point. Le sigh."


"I want to be Kate Bush."

"You do not want to be Kate Bush."

"Yes I do. She's so weird, Jessie. She's eccentric! I'm eccentric! I want to be Kate Bush."

"But see, you're delightfully odd. Kate Bush is terrifyingly odd."

"You never let me do anything fun."

2003-11-21, tonight

So I'm going to be writing about the Oneida community - a 19th century attempted utopia in upstate new york. The founder "initiated" every virgin when she turned about 14. He was trying to efface jealousy with what he called complex marriages.

Anyway, I can so see God being like "Okay Noyes, you have to have sex with all these virginal girls." and he's like "Oh, are you sure God? That doesn't seem quite --" and God's like "Doooo it, Noyes." "Well if you say so!"

Yeah, that's how it went down.

2003-11-17, my history paper, in two paragraphs

If my vagina grew teeth and started talking, I think it'd say things like "Hey, I'm so glad you gave up dentistry to take care of me. But now that I have teeth, does that mean I don't get taken care of either? Um, this situation is suddenly a lot less ideal."

I checked out three thousand books from the library. Should I go work out? Sit around and watch a video on the DDR? Hm. Whatever I do, no more reading Our Bodies Ourselves while working out!! I cannot stress this enough.

2003-11-17, l'amour, l'amour

Who the fuck was watching The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari? Hm? Hmmmm?

See, when I told my film professor that I'd been watching a lot of German expressionist film lately, she said (incredulously) "Why?"


But no one else is allowed to enjoy these films, not out of any snooty snootiness but because it means I cannot check them out of the video store! So knock it off, Caligari fan.

2003-11-17, german expressionists are my LOVERS

Frustration with male-sorts means that I a) sleep more than usual - but then, of course, I do that anyway, b) listen compulsively to the magnetic fields, nick cave, pulp, etc, c) let myself get chatted up at clubs, feel bored, move on and d) read huge, HUGE amounts of Dorothy Parker.

I feel pretty fine, mostly. Spells of weakness, but that's par for the course. Not fine enough to do any homework tonight though! Hahahah!

2003-11-16, ha ha among the trumpets

You'll never live like common people,
you'll never do what common people do,
you'll never fail like common people,
you'll never watch your life slide out of view,
and dance and drink and screw,
because there's nothing else to do.

What can you do when you feel this way except blast Common People?

Oh, right. Study.

2003-11-16, Ahh.

I'm not interested in the intellectual world, I'm only interested in the sensual world.

2003-11-16, only only

before / after

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