A Trivial Comedy for serious people archives

I can't believe I own a miniskirt, either. I even tried on a bikini.

2003-05-17, Looks great with (borrowed) docs

My favorite name just about ever is "Grosseteste." There's always some medieval scholar named Grosseteste. I just start snickering.

I spent a lot of money today, but it wasn't mine so I don't care much! I'm a terrible, terrible daughter, but the lovely clothes are so that I can marry money and support my parents in their retirement, honestly. The clothes I bought are lovely, though, and include a red miniskirt.

I haven't really got that much to say. I went out on Friday and drank Not a Drop of alcohol, which is the second Friday in a row in which I have both gone out and not had alcohol. I am too cool for school. I danced up a storm to the same "indie" music they play every "indie" night, but it's fun and comfortingly familiar at this point. I laughed at boys dancing. And then boys kissing each other! Ahhh, the homoerotic fun never stops here. My friends got drunk, and then puked, and I helped them hobble home. Then we watched Mallrats. It was a good night, all told.

I saw the Two Towers again, and agh! It is, as Steph once described Ocean's Eleven, a smorgasboard of men. "Little bit of this one, little bit of that one, seconds of him!" Charlotte freaked out when I showed her a great big Gollum poster today, but I wanted it pretty badly.

Did I ever tell you about the time I saw two boys in broad daylight, running around the dorm wearing flowery dresses and heavy makeup? Did I ever mention how much I love my dorm?

2003-05-17, God's honest truth

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