A Trivial Comedy for serious people archives

Bleahgaodalk, last day of work and you can TELL I am thrilled to be here.

The only redeeming part of my job is that I can listen to music. Melissa's tape was all I brought today - by accident, but it's a happy accident. I will listen to it for a good four or five hours today, and will not grow tired of it. It's that good. There's something pleasing about analog - you can't skip around even if you wanted to - and so the tape has to be that much better for it. It's such an amazing tape. I don't know any of the names of the songs, and only a few of the artists, but every time a song rolls around I get thrilled because I think "it's my favorite!"

I was thinking that BMC is so much simpler because there's no sexual tension between anyone, but realized that this is NOT TRUE, as everyone, regardless of gender or sexual orientation or species, is attracted to my blazing female sexuality. Everyone wants me and you know it.

Oh man, few things thrill me like the thought of congressional hearings waiting for their call numbers to be changed.

This is me and my brother last night:

Me: "CHARLIE! Let me show you a picture of my friend Ariel! Isn't she pretty? She's so pretty. You will go to Mac and hang out with her."
Charlie: "Uh-huh. I don't like your schemin', woman."
Me: "HAHA, YOUR LOSS! She's taken, suckah."

He has continued to gag about Pride and Prejudice. I'm going to give up on him. Okay, it's not like I expected him to enjoy it. Mostly it's hilarious to see him make such a scene - writhing in agony. And then coughing as though he were Gollum.

"You will miss me so much!" I accosted him with a hug.


Yesterday I fell on my ass while doing a high-kick - it was a thing of beauty. My bottom leg slid out from underneath me and I just crashed.

2003-01-17, stuff

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