A Trivial Comedy for serious people archives

I've probably said it before, but Charlotte is the Midlands version of me. Although, I've yet to break up a marriage.

"How did you feel about that?" I asked.

She looked at me with somewhat sad eyes. "She wasn't very happy with him..."

She is really good to me, though. It's like she's showing me the ropes. And she watches out for me, and makes sure that I'm safe. She helps me to proceed with caution.


I met a Nick Cave fan who is a nice guy though I suspect he may be a bit of a drug addict. Maybe. Certainly his girlfriend is. We're gonna sit in a cafe and talk about literature like sensitive bohemians. Where's my beret and my black turtleneck and my cigarette holder? He likes me a lot, and calls me all the freakin' time. I think I shall be cautious - more than cautious. He has a girlfriend - I will be sure to behave in a respectable and noble fashion. I really don't think I'm ever going to find any man here who doesn't strike me as a walking parody.

I want to date a HUMAN!

Last night I dreampt that he crawled through my window and covered me with kisses that felt like I was being splashed with vinegar.

2003-02-27, vinegar

before / after

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