A Trivial Comedy for serious people archives

Pictures and general happiness

There's so much to write down, and my keyboard goes and malfunctions. So, today, I give you pictures. I'll write down everything else later. I might do some of each, since I seem to have fixed the "o" key, which was acting up. Some of each it is.

I'm not feeling particularly philosophical right now, you've been warned.


I woke up saturday to the sound of cardboard being eaten. I had forgotten to put the box with the cardinal up high, and realized that my cat could have gotten at her all night. Cardboard being eaten. Cardboard being eaten by my cat. I jolted awake, and ran downstairs. The bird wasn't stirring, and I was afraid for a split second that she had died during the night. Thankfully, some random cardboard box had been fascinating my cat and not the bird.

She hadn't died. I took her out on the porch and opened the shoebox. She stared at me, and hopped off into the bushes. So, she made it. Maybe because of me, maybe because of luck, maybe because of a combination of the two.


I had a wonderful weekend. It's rare that I say that. I usually like my nondescript weekends, my quiet evenings, sleeping and recovering. Katie and Becca and I got over being raucous a long time ago. (I'm insinuating that we once were crazy raucous, but that's exaggeration.) When we get together, it usually means tea and coffee and being aimless and listless. Really - its the most pleasant way to spend a weekend sometimes. They make kind and low key company.

I went out with Mike last night, and had a blast. He makes fine company and is mighty funny too. We saw a terrible movie, and I watched him eat the most unhealthy salad I've ever seen, but it was monstrous fun. He had escaped typing for the student newspaper to be driven around and taken out to dinner by me, (I paid - I believe in chivalry.) and we ran into the editor and her man-whores outside the movie theater. They honked at him and shouted.

I laughed at him quite a bit after that. Ah well yes. Mike's definitely one of those guys I don't see enough of. I'm tempted to write about all the pansy ass things he does, because he admitted to quite a few pansy things. However, I value our friendship too much to do something that mean.


Picture time.

I just realized that every picture I take with the digital camera fits into one of three categories:

1. PIctures of me. Sometimes in various stages of undress.

2. Pictures of my cat at increasingly odd angles.

3. Pictures of the furniture in my livingroom.

4. Postcard material. Boring as hell.

Oh well. I get a kick out of it, at least. Jeeze, I know how to waste server space. There aren't any landscape-ish shots in this latest batch. Just me and the cat and the furniture. (I know, you can't contain your excitement.) The directories I'm linking these pictures from are all in here, feel free to explore on your own. These are just the ones I've taken to.

I take far too many pictures of myself:

Spacing out.

Rich colors.

Playing with my cat.

Got the zoom to work.

The furniture:

It's kind of like an altar.

A chair. Just a chair.

(the following are all of my cat. just warning you.)

Weird angle.

Normal angle.

Weird angle.

Normal angle. (stalking some birds.)

Weird angle. Very weird angle.

Tomorrow, I promise some insight. I just need to let my brain recover a bit, you know how that is? You write and think too much, and just want to vegetate for a couple days. I'm just afraid of disapointing with lackluster journal entries

2000-01-30, Pictures and a fun time out.

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