A Trivial Comedy for serious people archives

I feel very out of campus life. I used to be more thorough about attending lectures and events, but now I just don't feel like it so much. I am retreating into my relatively small collection of friend people. Add to this a bunch of grad students whose names and personal lives I know all about, whom I stalk like you wouldn't believe, and you have my social life.

This isn't entirely true. I've actually made friends with a frosh or two (always fun! They're so much fun! I am so sad I might not be here for the rest of the academic year in order to give them sympathetic Junior hugs and kisses at every tradition!). It's a little sad - the one class I've taken at the coed school down the lane has resulted in friends with other Mawrters. Haha, whoops, I guess you didn't realize your purpose on this earth was to introduce men into my social diet, New Testament class!

Who else is excited about the Welsh celtic fair freak who has become Archbishop of Canterbury? You know you are. I think it's a really good thing for the C of E.

What did I do today? Attended two classes (Oh, man, I am trying to attend all of my classes this week. I'll throw a party for myself if I do it.) Met with my counselor who made me list nice things about myself that other people don't say about me (Man, I am not a huge fan of stuff like this. Plus, it was harder than I thought it'd be, and this was right after saying "I THINK I'M GREAT!" She made a liar of me!) Thought about running. Decided to go buy a red dress and dance with men at a semi-formal at the coed school further down the lane.

There are several things I am not comfortable talking about with anyone.

2002-11-20, List lists lists

before / after

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