A Trivial Comedy for serious people archives

In the days before I lost my library card and had to return The Language Instinct, I was learning that language does not affect thought. I probably will do nothing but hideously abridge the beautiful arguments about cognitive science here, and furthermore I was just getting to the good bits of this argument (not to say that there were bits that weren't good - it's not that kind of book) when I had to return it.


Meanwhile, I am expecting a caller at seven (and yes, a gentleman caller) and so I am pacing about, cleaning my room, fussing with my room, rearranging everything, waiting for him to show up.

I do this for girls, too, you know. I love visitors. And damn, I love feeding them (which is what I'm doing for my man friend). But I'll be damned if they don't make me anxious and a bit jumpy.

(No one ever looked at my name and thought "Margaret, yes, she's so zen.")

I love the perfume, incidentally. Some people don't like the idea of perfume, but I love it. I think we do it all the time, too, with shampoos and such. It's all about tasteful application, really, which is really hard to figure out. And the right scent - so much cheap perfume is cloying and makes me ill. I'm spending some time away from my room to see if it smells alright.

When I came back from my shower, I was overwhelmed with the utter goodness of everything - everything smelled beautiful. I smelled lovely, my bed smelled lovely, my room smelled lovely. I lolled about on my bed just breathing deeply.

Also, I love the rush of memory that some scents bring back, and I like the idea of associating my time here with a perfume.

It isn't quite the Turkey scent, though.

Well, I'm bored. It's strange that I'm bored here. My days should be so busy and full! And they are, for the most part, but man. I'm bored! It wouldn't be such a problem if I weren't excited about the prospect of a dinner guest.

Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can haul my ass to a lovely sounding forest. Buses run every 20 minutes! Rock!

This is what I did today:

Woke up, groaned (sore from lifting weights), ate breakfast, washed my face, got dressed, checked email, walked to class, enjoyed lecture, got nice and reassuring message from the man friend, got asked to tea by the lovely British woman who lived in the States and Canada, waxed rhapsodic about diners, doughnuts, coffee, America, etc, returned library books, bought trousers, bought hair clip, bought shampoo, conditioner, and perfume, got birth control prescription filled, asked man friend over for dinner, showered & blew dry hair, bought wine, chicken, salt, and freezer bags, read Cod, paced, gossipped with my favorite girlfriend here, learned how to light stove, consulted O/S map, paced, cleaned room, rearranged room, wrote this.

Well, that was exciting.

2003-02-11, my life in list form

before / after

archives / website / hello book / diaryland