A Trivial Comedy for serious people archives

I made a bag

It's a very handsome bag at that - it's one big striped tote bag. On the outside it has blue striped mattress ticking and on the inside it has a pretty calico. It's pretty simple to make but I impaled myself on several pins while making it. I sat down at four thirty in the afternoon and poked at the fabric and myself with pins until it was finished at eight. Sometimes my attention span astounds me.

In it I can fit a bottle of water, a newspaper, a few paperbacks, a blanket, a sweater and scarf, my sketch diary, my knitting (I have learned how! Finally!) and a regular notebook. It is one large bag - I could also fit emergency flares and scuba diving equipment but it's my driving around the country bag so that stuff goes in a different bag.

If I haven't become terribly domestic all of a sudden, I'll be damned. I hope this is making your teeth rot as it ought to.

2001-11-24, I have made a bag

before / after

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