A Trivial Comedy for serious people archives

so that you won't think I'm dead in a ditch

- I have a job at a bookstore that sells mystery books for next semester. This is too cool for words. For months, my roommate has been saying that I was the type of girl who should work at a used bookstore. I heartily agreed with her, and I wanted a job, but I have this awful habit of letting jobs come to me instead of inquiring about them. For christmas, she lent me her spine, and she herself asked if the bookstore ever hired. They said "Well, we only hire undergraduates at Bryn Mawr," and my roommate said "I have your girl!" So I got in touch with the mystery bookstore, and now I have me a job for next term. I tell you, I feel loved.

- My mother has been sending me (unintentionally) funny emails and care packages. "Good luck with exams, stay relaxed, shake those jowls." Jowls????? We decided it was either a hip east coast song, ala "shake your ass," or otherwise my mother has just gone insane. She sent me toblerone (because she loves me!) and soy snacks (because she mocks me!) and copies of the New Yorker (because she loves me!)

- We've been playing Sex Tetris non stop. If you haven't played it, it's like tetris except instead of blocks you have people and you try to line them up so that they get it on - they make hilarious and awful noises. One of them sounds like a bellowing water buffalo. My roommate keeps trying to get them to have oral sex to no avail. We've been walking around saying "I'm gonna go have me some sex. ..... tetris." and sometimes we provide come on lines for the characters, like "let's have sex!" O, the hilarity!

- I'm wearing my Latin t-shirt today. Tomorrow I'm going to wear my second Latin t-shirt. I need to get on my laundry business. I've been informed that I'm no longer allowed to make fun of the sci fi club based on the fact that I own two Latin t-shirts.

- My last math class was a lecture on Fermat's Last Theorum. I tell you, this story had it all! A baffling message in the margins of a manuscript! A woman tricking all the men into respecting her at school by taking the place of a boy who had dropped out! An obsessed mathematician locking himself in the attic until he emerged with a triumphant Q.E.D.! Most of all, volumes of bad poetry!

- I cursed when it first hit me, that thorn tree. I shrieked louder than I meant to but I think that was the inhibition-be-gone shouting. I swung around but no one saw or heard me, and so I sucked at my finger. Eventually I forgot about it in the revelry. When I came back, I noticed it again, and I noticed how much it ached. I pushed and prodded the thorn, produced some tweezers, and finally yanked it out. I rolled the thorn around between my fingers for a while. The pain was raw and sharp, but it was sweet because I knew it meant relief.

- I might be going to Vancouver. The prospect is thrilling, and I keep hope even though I know that the frequent flier miles might not work, that the airlines might go on strike. There's always something that may go horribly wrong. Yet I have hope. It makes the prospect of spending time at my parent's house seem tolerable, even pleasant. Vancouver. Land of rain. Canada. Land of stoned wheat thins (that's all we talk about here. crackers!). It's all magical to me right now.

- I took pictures of a girl wearing a pair of leopard underwear as a shirt. I got kissed on the corner of my mouth by my friend, the randy Texan (it was just a friendship thing, but my friends at home never kissed each other!). She hangs out with the sexy Russian girl a lot. The Russian ex-stripper girl is about as tall as my chest, I had my picture taken with her. When my roommate's boyfriend was in town, she offered that I study in her room. "I'm having five girls over tonight," she laughed in her sexy accent, and then said "for chemistry!" She sounds vaguely like Natasha, only sexier and more realistic. The Texan said "Aw, honey, you wouldn't have an orgy without telling me, right?" Of course we wouldn't. The drag ball/prom/whatever was last night. It was packed with girls - there were six guys and four of them were in gorgeous drag. It was a uniquely bryn mawr experience, and it was a blast. I danced with one of the guys in drag, I danced with girls. I went trampy (I've dressed like that, eh, twice now). The girls on the hall wore saran wrap. I revel in the life of sin!

- I have come to appreciate the first few hours of absolute darkness each day. Walking down to the gym, the campus is desolate and solemn. Wind rattles the tree's brittle branches. Off across the fields, past the houses all lit up, I can hear the train clacking off into the distance. Sometime I hear its horn, which is mournful and distant. It's a strange, solemn time.

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