A Trivial Comedy for serious people archives

About to go out for Burmese food. Am not terribly hungry. Am a funny bundle of emotions. Anxious about my future. Wishing I had rain appropriate shoes.

2005-01-03, -

I really enjoy grapefruits.

I really do.

I'll be serving steaks for four tonight. Steph confessed that she doesn't like Steak, but I told her TOUGH, learn to love it as I love it!

Yeah, I'm such a solicitous friend.

2004-11-24, -

Lordy I'm boring.

Not a whole lot to report. Someone I'd slept with told me that he finds me unattractive, which was a bit of a blow to my ego. Never something you really want to hear, even if you already know it. I am reminded, of course, of Elaine saying "Is it possible I'm not as attractive as I think I am?"

Well, anything's possible.

I watched the Motorcycle Diaries with my friend Erica last night. I don't think it was an especially great movie, but it made me want to go to South America like nobody's business. Erica, incidentally, will be going to Chile in February, so we pinched each other when we saw the region she'll be living in. The movie was heavy-handed, a little overwhelmed by the revolutionary figure that Che became. It meandered, it dragged a bit. Just because people want to go to an art house movie doesn't mean that they want to be bored to tears.

2004-11-24, -

I'm feeling so ambitious this weekend. I want to clean my apartment from top to bottom, and put away all the stuff that makes it feel cluttered. I strung up cranberries over my window and I want more garlands, everywhere! I'm going to fall of a chair and break my neck before I'm through, but I'll be damned if I don't string these cranberries. I have a recipe for a spicy cranberry chutney and I think I might make it, since I probably bought more cranberries than I do want to string.

I must sound so boring, but I don't care!

Secretly, I'm very pleased about being able to buy gifts for my family at Christmastime. Unfortunately, I want to get my dad a $200 atlas of the Lewis & Clark expedition, and it's a little beyond my means. Actually it's a lot beyond my means. I might have to cut down on my extravagant grocery bill in order to afford it.

It's a beautiful, beautiful day, by the way. Yesterday was miserable, cold and wet. I felt like laughing, though, as I walked across the bridge, wearing sodden black clothes and with the wind whipping around my umbrella and my hair. I thought I must look pretty comical.

So I'm kinda watching Cabaret, but not paying attention enough to understand what's going on. I'm thoroughly confused. But I love it, all the same.

2004-11-13, -

before / after

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